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Monday, August 23, 2010

Why are you not getting enough referral?

If you’re not getting the referrals and personal introductions to others in your business, you have a problem.

You might not realize that you have a problem. Or worse, you may instinctually know something is whacked because your referral faucet isn’t flowing… and… you’re ignoring that.

Or even worse, you’re making excuses: too busy, too much work to do with current clients, et cetera, B.S.

So, here’s the real reason you’re likely not getting more referrals.

You’re not giving people enough REASON to talk about you!

Plain and simple, people naturally get excited by what excites them! They enjoy running their mouths.

And the single biggest mistake that destroys your chances for steady business referrals is not giving other people enough reasons to talk about you.

Because, remember: people can only talk about you once they’ve had an experience with you.

Ask yourself: How can I package my work in a cost-effective, highly-valuable way, that other people can experience what I do?

Can I donate my services?

Can I do some pro-bono work?

Can I provide a valuable ‘extra’ service to existing clients?

Can I offer them something free for a limited time

Again, you’re not giving people enough REASON to talk about you.

Experience with you = referrals and introductions.

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