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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

‘Who’ Do You Want as Client Referrals?

Getting clear with “who” you want as new client referrals is paramount today.

The problem, however, is that most professionals are not totally clear on “who” it is they truly want to work with, and the type of referrals they want.

The crazy part of this is that if you’re not 100% clear — how can you ever expect your referral sources to be either? How are they going to know who is an ideal client for you!

You have to start by identifying who you want to be referred to. In other words, the types of people you desire as referrals.

What type of people do you want as new client referrals? That’s why I’m a big proponent of developing your own written, ICP — “Ideal Client Profile.” In fact, an ICP one of the most important pieces of marketing collateral you can ever have!



1.Time to get crystal clear on who you want to be referred to, in terms of new client referrals.

2.Write down what these people look like, including demo/info on them on a 1-page doc:



3.Income/net worth



3.Publish this in the form of an ICP you keep in your marketing materials; Post to your website.

Action Step 1: Get clear (or clearer!) on who you want to be referred to!

Action Step 2: Create your ICP

Action Step 3: Share it with others as opportunities warrant themselves.

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