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Friday, August 13, 2010

3 Referral Questions

Here are three (3!) major referral questions you need to answer. Study them closely. Because I promise you the other person is thinking them about you.

If you ever expect anyone to send you referrals consistently, you darn-well better make sure you can answer these–either directly, or through subtle communication.

These 3 questions are critically important to Strategic Alliance partners you're trying to cozy up to, also.

3 Critical Referral Questions

1. Why should I be concerned about referring business to you? (Why is it important to me?)

2. What is the risk I could possibly feel if I refer to you? (How can I be sure you won't screw up and make me look bad?)

3. How can you make it as easy as possible for me to refer to you? (I'm busy, and won't take time to figure it out)

You must be able to answer these questions.

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