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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Referral Letter Sample

Situation: A great client or customer calls you with some good news: They want to refer someone to you.

Then all of a sudden, they say something like…

“Do you have some sort of letter or something that I can mail to these people I’m thinking about? It would make it a lot easier on me”

Ut oh.

What do you do?

How do you handle this request?

One way to take the first step is give them a letter they can sign… drop in the mail… make it as easy as possible for them (like they requested). Fill in the areas with your info.

September 2008

John Q. Investor

123 Any Street

Anytown, USA 12345


Dear John:

The foundation of my advisory business has always been an unwavering commitment to you even in confusing times.

While the stock markets seem bombarded daily with intermingled truths – including problems with giants Merrill Lynch, AIG, Lehman Brothers and others — I remain a professional who is both dedicated and optimistic as to the future of your portfolio.

I agree that for a stock market fractured from bad lending practices of recent years, the last thing we needed to hear now is more concerns about other major financial institutions being sold, or worse, failing. But that is truth, and I’m all for truth.

You’re only normal if you’re questioning the integrity of corporate CEO’s, company management, and of being a company shareholder today.

While I can’t speak for every company, let me assure you the essence of American capitalism and our continued prosperity since the Industrial Revolution of the 1800’s has been a corporate America built on honesty and growth for investors, long-term.

The Fed has just pumped billions of dollars in liquidity into the markets. Chairman Ben Bernanke is committed to not allow this to become a crisis of olden days.

Despite that chatter of what the news media is calling “shattering losses1” and “one of the worst financial crisis in U.S. history1” I remind you that this is likely short-term noise that will mean little to the overall long-term success in attaining your financial goals 5 to 10 years from now.

Perhaps Warren Buffet said it best, and it bears repeating now:

“The stock market is like the weather. If you don’t like what’s happening, just wait and it will change.”

Again, I value our relationship and want to thank you for your continued confidence, patience, and commitment to your current financial plan.


(Your Name), (Your Credentials)

(Your Title)

P.S. I’m committed to your existing investments with me and to any investment that you may have with another financial advisor that you are concerned with.

Don’t hesitate to call me if I can provide you any further advice or guidance surrounding the current market climate.

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