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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

‘L-C-E-P’: Easy Strategy for More Referral Conversations

Asking for referrals… or discussing referrals… or approaching others about wanting more referrals….

…does the thought of this make you uncomfortable?

Well, you’re not alone.

For most people interested in growing their referrals of clients and customers, discussing referrals almost feels like begging.

Today, I’ll share with you a concept that I call “L-C-E-P”, that will break down your referrals barrier rather easily.

I stress the importance of making sure people find VALUE in your services before you ever discuss referrals with them. So, presuming you know that others are valuing your work, let’s look at…

Are You Using The Concept of L-C-E-P?

L-C-E-P continues on the theme of value-recognized. It stands for “Low-Cost Experience Points.”

In other words, I want you to start thinking of ways you can communicate value to others via entry points to your services, and LCEPs (low cost experience points).

One of the simplest ways of doing this, and creating those LCEPs, (as an rough example), is to get your website (or web page) updated – it’s an online brochure, and as important as any hard marketing materials you now own (or plan on creating in 2010.)

How many brochures have you requested from a company recently? Zero probably.

What I’m driving at is for you to showcase your core competencies, including cloaked case studies, and other work illustrations that allow a person to come to experience you and your work.

Also, it still amazes me how many professionals see referral marketing and building referrals from clients as a means of offering forced inducements (bribes, rewards or otherwise) to the client to get new introductions, and new “experiences” with others.

Stop doing this. Referral bribes and rewards are cheap inducements. They are flawed and foolish.

Instead, hone-in on your Low-Cost Experience Points. Everyone has them in their business.

What are some in your business right now that you can offer to others?

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